Monday, October 13, 2008


We had been planning to go to the KSU vs. Texas A&M game for months. The time finally came...and it was well worth the wait! As most of you know, they haven't been doing too well this season, so we were a little worried that it wouldn't be much fun. But once the game started and the Wildcats scored on their opening drive, we knew we were in for a good game!

We left early Saturday morning to make the 3.5 hr drive down to College Station, hoping to miss most of the traffic. Plus there was an Alumni get together at a local bar we planned to attend that started at 9am. We got the car parked close to the stadium but couldn't find the bar...the address given was incorrect. So, we found another place where there were several other K-Staters.

Once the game started, we were so excited to finally get to see them play this season. The last time we saw them was last year's game at Fresno State in California, we lucked out they had that game on their schedule! Here's a pic of us during halftime when the score was KSU 27-A&M 10.

It was really hot...about 90 degrees, but that's actually good for Texas! When the game ended, the score was KSU 44-A&M 30. Their fans were pretty good sports, we got a couple "Good game" comments on our way out. So, all in all it was a great game & we had a great time.

The team was appreciative of the travelers' support, several players (including Freeman) came over to say thanks and give high fives. This trip made me miss K-State football season and being in Texas I really miss the fall weather. We definitely have to make a trip to Manhattan next year!

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